
2011 Hawaii Trip Information

2011 Cross Country Pre-Season Meeting Agenda
Hawaii Trip Details

Lanikai Ocean View Estate

Waimanalo Beach House

Waimanalo Suites

Cost estimates: Hotel/Van/Gas will be $200. All other expenses will be on your own, but we will probably have some team meals together.

Plane tickets: You must purchase your plane tickets individually. Here’s what you do:
1. Go to
2. On the left side of the page, enter the following information into the Flight Reservation window: Roundtrip flight departing from Seattle (SEA) and going to Oahu-Honolulu departing on September 15th, 2011 and returning on September 18th, 2011
3. Select the Departing Flight at 10:35am-1:30pm to Kahului (flight # HA 29), connecting to flight HA 245 Kahului to Honolulu 2:31-3:05, and the Returning Flight at 11:06am-11:43am to Kahului (flight # HA 126) connecting to flight HA 30 Kahului to Seattle 3:10-11:35pm
(*Note—you shouldn’t have to purchase a flight on one of the other flights during those days since there is plenty of room available on our flights. If it isn’t available, check with Mangrum before you purchase a different flight. If we have to we could split into two flights.)
4. Fill in your contact information, Select seats, Submit Payment Information
5. Print out two copies of your reservation confirmation—one for you, one for Mangrum (bring in the paper to Mangrum ASAP so you have your spot reserved)

**If you wait to purchase your plane tickets, you probably will have to pay more for your tickets, and the flight may not be available anymore. I would suggest you make your decision promptly and purchase your tickets before this Friday (5/20).

T-shirt advertisements—you can raise a lot of money very easily with this fundraiser…just bring in the letter to a local community-friendly business and ask to share it with the manager. You will receive %100 of the funds to reimburse your cost for the trip (unless you raise more than enough—then it will help others) as long as you give Mangrum your list of businesses you approach. I suggest visiting those businesses that have done this in the past (see any recent team t-shirt for ideas). You will be responsible for purchasing a t-shirt as a gift for the participating business as a thank-you gift if they would like one. Contact Coach Mangrum ( for a copy of this year’s letter.
Group fundraisers—we will do a few other fundraisers (Curtis football game concessions, two car washes, a pizza takeover at Roundtable, etc) that will lower the total cost for the hotel/van/gas and help cover any other costs for the trip. You are expected to attend these if you are traveling to Hawaii this year.

Summer requirements—
Attendance—you are expected to come to as many summer practices as you can. In order to participate in the Iolani Invite in Hawaii, you must come to at least 50% of the scheduled practices. Talk to Mangrum if you have special circumstances.
Training logs—You are also expected to maintain a personal running/training log during the summer. The best option is online (I will send you an invitation to Flotrack Online Training Log), but you can keep it in a notebook instead if you prefer. You will have to turn them in every two weeks to Mangrum if you are not using the online option.